Sadly, this has been neglected for years. It is close to 30 years old and I have had it for about 5 of those years. In all that time, I have never touched it other than to place it in my living room.
If you look closely, you’ll see there are shingles missing, trim missing, and dust everywhere (though I did blow / brush some of the dust off).
It’s laid out really strange – first, it’s two room deep with access to those room only through the windows and doorways. Hard to really see inside much less decorate.
This room leads into this:
Sorry for the poor picture, the flash didn’t go off. It the turret room and octagonal in shape.
Then we have these rooms:
One deep in the middle, one small and partially unfinished. Notice the white. It’s supposed to be papered like the rest. I’m playing around with making this a bathroom but it’s very awkward.
Now, going down to the second floor.
Maybe a small bedroom?
This is in the middle room and leads into this:
I’m trying to clean as well as I can, but with my neck I am unable to contort myself right now. Not unless I want to put myself back into the hospital!
This then leads into this:
Another small octagonal room – AARRGGHH!
Okay, now for the tour of the first floor. It is a little easier to at least get to.
Bottom left (looking inward from back). Notice the door on the left and the doorway on your right? What you can’t see is another doorway just out of camera range – I was too close. This could almost be set up as a small attached shop with it’s configuration. Not really sure.
Middle room where you can see the second doorway there on the left leading out of the far left room. There is also a doorway on the right you can’t see and a set of stairs that aren’t installed yet. I want to place a runner on them first.
Far right room, unfinished. The pink wall is very rough and loose. I need to glue it down and figure out how to finish it. Also, if you haven’t noticed, there are no doors nor doorframes. Just windows.
The floors are in good shape. I wiped down the wood flooring with baby wipes, let it dry, and then covered with gloss Modge Podge. The change was wonderful. I know how wonderful, slightly glossy, deep colored wood flooring that LOOKS like true wood floors would. I may do one more coat to seal it really good or I may just go over it with wax or leave as it. I’m not sure yet. I’m going to let the floor cure overnight and then decide.
Lastly, this is the main entry. Double french doors with nice floors.
So, any ideas as to what the rooms should be? I am at a total loss! I am having to “renovate” the outside, doing a lot of repair since you could consider I was a “slum lord of dollhouses” for a while.
Tomorrow, I’ll continue gluing pieces back onto the outside and cleaning up the two dollhouses that reside in my bedroom. I have boxes of furniture in my shop that need to be placed in them. It dawned on my last night that I would have MORE room in my studio if I got the furniture out of the boxes (4 or 5 paper boxes) and into the houses where it should be. That way, I could see what rooms were missing what. Oh yeah, I have accessories too. Once I get these done, I have several more that I need to focus on. That doesn’t mean I’m forgetting about the dolls, the antique-ing, junkin’, thrifting, altered art, collaging, ATCs etc.
Getting my dollhouses set up gives me more room to do all of this! That’s why I have three worktables, one corner computer table, and one jewelers table in my shop. I can have different projects going on on each of them and just roll from one to another! Isn’t that a great idea? Now, if I could only be off work a little longer now that I’m feeling so good. Well, back surgery is coming up soon………
Oh yeah, I still haven’t faced my bead stash yet! UGH
Until later……………………………