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So, inquiring minds want to know, what has she been up to today? Well, maybe you don’t wonder what I’ve been doing on an overcast, rainy, south Louisiana Sunday afternoon, other than watching the LSU Tigers play baseball (GEAUX TIGERS! LSU!!!)
Well, I’ve been getting my fingers inky and sticky. Yep, I’ve been playing in my studio. Couldn’t yesterday since the back and neck were really acting up after two hours sitting in an uncomfortable chair at my son’s baseball game, trying to stay dry (yep, it was raining off and on), and keeping score (I’m the scorekeeper for the team). So, I had a LOT to make up for today.
So, here’s my current studio – the storage area. It takes up half my studio which is a built-out 10 x 20 portable building. Yes, it’s as packed as it looks!
One desk
Another supposed computer/video desk center except my computer can’t get a signal there.
Gratuitous shot of the dollhouse I’ve been working on FOREVER and my other desk that looks out over the backyard toward my house. I have another worksurface that sits perpendicular to this one and separates the working half of my studio from the storage half.
Oh, would you like to see a picture of my little friend that kept me company all day? Sure you would.
HEHEHE, bet you weren’t expecting that! Yep, this little fellow ran all over my worktop today while I was playing working. No, I’m not particularly bothered by spiders. They eat bugs and as long as they stay off of me, I leave them alone. Considering it was smaller than the diamond in my wedding band (tiny) he wasn’t any danger to me. He kept scurrying all over the place trying to avoid my fingers as I reached for things.
Okay, so first, I played around with some High Gloss stuff by Envirotex. Lisa at Tarnished and Tattered makes the most awesome Resin Bobbles using it (& now I just read she found some stuff that’s even clearer-gotta get me some). Since you have to work fairly fast, I didn’t take pictures, but this is what I am waiting on:

I’ve approached it somewhat differently than she does since I don’t want to copy her, but learn from her. So, I read her tutorial, ask a question or two, then went out and decided to experiment. Once these dry, I’ll show you the results & give you a review of the product. Nope, Envirotex isn’t a sponsor or anything, they don’t know I exist!
Then, it was time to get inky!
Some worked (love this one)
Some didn’t
Some are okay
These crosses are some of my favorites.
Some women-themed
Love the chandelier
As you can see, I love Tim Holtz Distressed Inks. They work so wonderfully! I’m also in love with some wonderful Lampblack black ink (can’t remember the maker). Makes the most wonderful image. No, Tim Holtz doesn’t know I exist either, so I wasn’t paid to say wonderful stuff about his ink LOL. It is marvelous though. I also use a combination of his felt pads for blending and baby wipes. Yep, baby wipes give you a wonderful blended, softer look. Does make the tags a bit damp (though I try to use wipes that have been setting out for a bit and have dried some). I may have to iron a few to get them back flat. I also LOVE baby wipes for cleaning my stamps. I just get the unscented cheap ones, blot the stamp (both rubber and acrylic) then blot on a paper towel. I’ve even cleaned USED stamps that I bought and had all the ink just magically come off.
Okay, I’m also participating in an ATC swap that happens every two months. As you may be able to tell, the theme was CATS. These aren’t due until July, but since I’m ALWAYS turning them in at the LAST minute, I decided to get July’s theme out of the way. The only one I’m not sure about is the Photo Op one. I think I need something in the lower left corner, just not sure what.
Oh, and in case any of you are interested, I listed a bunch of tags I made a few weeks ago over on EPOCH JUNKTIQUE. Please let me know what you think about them. The ones you see above will also be listed there soon. Prices are listed on my selling blog linked above.
Whew! That’s a long blog post for me. Now, I need a break and some food. Except for two tiny pancakes this morning, I’ve not eaten all day.
Sorry I haven’t been able to show any dolls or miniatures that I’ve worked on. I just haven’t been in the mood to do them, but sooner or later, the mini bug will bite and I’ll be off working on them. I can feel it nibbling at my toes right now.
Until Later………………………………….