Thursday, February 16, 2012

Say A Prayer for Me – Major Studio & Dining Room Overhaul

Tonight, I begin a major purge, relocation, de-clutter, & reorganization of both my dining room and my studio. 

Why the dining room you may ask.  Because we can’t get to it.  This past year, it became my base of operation for the antique space I rent.  All business related to that was handled from my dining room table.  However, hubby has said “NO MORE” – the business end must move to my studio & the mess must go. He wants to be able to eat supper at the table (no, we didn’t eat there before all the clutter – it was used to play games & cards).

Here’s the rub.  I had already planned a major purge & de-cluttering of my studio.  Therefore I am taking a long weekend (Friday – Tuesday) to accomplish this goal.  I had a PLAN!  A method by which to attack everything.  Lists were made and re-made, options were mulled over, bits & pieces were purchased, a storage space for excess store stock and other UFPs (unfinished projects) was rented…….it was all PLANNED OUT!

Then hubby sends me a text.  “Dining Room is a Priority”! Hold on! Hit the brakes!  Say WHAT!?!?!

See, to get half the stuff out of the dining room, I have to get my studio organized and de-cluttered.  However, I have promised him to get the other half that can go to storage ready to go tonight.  HE thought I was starting with the Dining Room!  HE never asked me.  HE knows now exactly now how it will all go down (yeah, we reached a compromise, I think).  Needless to say, he’s eating leftovers for supper.

I’m sure there will be quite a bit of racket around my house tonight.  After almost 24 years of marriage, we still don’t work well together.  Both of us are too headstrong and stubborn.  It’s a “my way or else” mentality we both have.  Our son will be fleeing to the safety of his church and Thursday night basketball (I say his church because I attend a different one – different faiths, but I digress).

So…….please say a prayer for me.  This will not be easy.  In fact, I’m sure it will be quite infuriating.  My blood pressure will try and rise (I’m on blood pressure medication thank goodness!) & I’m sure my language will unfortunately suffer a slight deterioration.  The dog and cat will probably go hide (I won’t blame them).

I plan on taking Before and After pictures.  You’ll see what I mean.

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