Okay, I mentioned a couple of weeks back that I was overhauling my studio…..actually making it into a REAL studio instead of a just a place crammed with stuff where I happen to work on art and miniatures.
WARNING: This post is heavy on the pictures and carries scary scenes of clutter!
Well, here are the BEFORE pics:
My Computer Desk & part of my Repair/Jewelry Table – YIKES!
This was between my Repair Desk & my Display Cabinet.
This looked down the first aisle, South side of my storage shelves.
This mess was on the East end of my studio.
Yes, I should be embarrassed.
Another look at what was on the East end.
The clutter that is now my Miniature Table & my Art Table.
Another view. Yes, the cabinet with all the paint is still there but the other mess has been cleared. The paint is necessary for the miniature buildings on tap to be put together.
North section of half my studio. Yes, those are hat boxes. I could barely reach my postage scale.
The second aisle, South side. I couldn’t even get to ANYTHING on this aisle! It is where a lot of my miniature supplies and furniture are housed.
Are you horrified enough? I actually tried to CREATE in the clutter. I was constantly tripping over things, knocking stuff over, forgetting what I had, or not being able to get to what I needed. It was to the point I didn’t even want to go out there. So, after reading a few old Studio and Where Women Create magazines, I was inspired to do what should have been done a LONG time ago…….Clean Up!
Here are the After pics:
Clean Art Table
I can actually roll to my Computer Table. The drill has since been picked up and returned to my tool box.
Top of Computer Table – most of what you see on the right is stuff waiting on the paper organizer.
I actually have empty shelves!

Now I can place my new paper organizer in this corner and I can get to the East ends of my studio! The display case you see (there are actually two) is in need of repair and will move to under my Repair Table once my paper organizer is placed.
First aisle on South side. Now I can reach my paints, poly clay, brushes, and other necessities.
A place for my die cut machines and die cuts.
My Repair/Jewelry Table with my most used die cut machine – some of what is sitting on the table will be moved to the top of the paper organizer, like my resin supplies and the wood cabinet behind them. The two baskets currently house small items that need repairing. I will probably hang them on the beams above the table so they will be easily accessible and always in plain site (that way, I don’t forget what I need to repair).
Yes, still cluttered in front of my Repair/Jewelry Table, but the paper organizer that just came in will tame most of it. The rest will find a home on the empty shelves I now have!
This is to the side of my Art Table. Again, I was waiting on my paper organizer to arrive.
This is under and at the very back of my Art Table. All the jewelry for my space at the Antique Mall will be stored here, along with bubble wrap and packing peanuts for my Etsy stores. This cabinet used to stand in the corner now set aside for my paper organizer. I placed it on its side and the spaces are a perfect place for the shoeboxes that house my costume jewelry inventory.
View of my now clean Miniature Table. Se e my huge tool box in the background? My hubby bought me that for Christmas two years ago. I LOVE my tool box. Now I can always find my tools be they for miniature or life-sized projects.
My Art Table showing new shelf for holding my supply of embellishments in their plastic organizers and the new tabletop shelf for holding my gels mediums, gessos, & other sealants. All my buttons now reside in the large glass jar to the left. It used to contain polished rocks, but those have been moved outside to my flower beds. They are housed in a terra cotta saucer so I have them if I need them. They look pretty out there and are still readily available.
This is a small jeweler’s table that I keep my glues, fan, sticker machine, etc. on. The small top drawer houses paper for wrapping packages and small plastic baggies. the lower, open drawer houses things such as the drafting brush I use to clean my desk off, Q-tips, small plastic containers for paint and/or water, and other items I constantly use and need to be able to reach quickly.
See, I can actually find my Computer Desk. Some of the items on the top are waiting on the paper organizer.
Containers for my paper flowers and beads.
Above my Repair/Jewelry Table. See all my neatly corralled glitter glue?
Part of my Reference Book collection.
Above my Art Table
View down the North side of my Studio showing the rest of my Reference section.
I utilize the ceiling for flowers, jewelry parts, gauze, etc.
View toward the West end of my studio. I hang my lace & ribbon from wooden dowels hung on large white cup hooks. All I have to do is reach up and the lace & ribbon are at my fingertips.
Another view of the West wall.
I actually made enough room that I could mount two much needed task lights. One on my Art Table and one on my Jewelry/Repair table.
Yes, I still have a lot of “stuff”. But 98% of it is now corralled in storage containers, organizers, and baskets. Excess supplies like lace and items for my space at the Antique Mall are now in storage. Items that I didn’t want or need were donated to Goodwill. I now can roll from one desk to another, with the possible exception of my miniature desk. I can reach most of it by swiveling in my chair in front of my Art Table, but the supports for the tables get in the way of my knees. Considering the open side is near the door, I may have to actually get up and drag my chair over to that side. But, at least I have room to do that!
I do have a lot of items on display. Most of the shelves and the tops of mounted organizers hold nick-knacks, teacups/saucers, my froggie & kitty collection (I love frogs and cats), and other items that piqued my interest. Hubby can’t understand why I have to display so many items, but they do act as inspiration and make the studio truly mine.
It was amazing the stuff I found that I knew I had but could never put my hands on and the stuff I had and forgot about. I still need to label a bunch of stuff and now that the organizer has arrived,
(isn’t it great?)
I have plenty of space for all my paper, whether it’s the scrapbook paper I use for backgrounds or all the paper collage sheets I’ve printed.
Maybe this will inspire someone to de-clutter their space. Yes, it took me 5 days and is still a work-in-progress, but I have the feeling of accomplishing something. Oh, and the key to such a monumental undertaking (remember, I cleaned out my dining room during the same time frame)? I did what my hubby said to do……I ate the elephant one bite at a time.