Monday, December 14, 2009

Good Monday Morning

Just a quick post to tell you about something - I had a nerve test this morning so typing is painful.  Run for the hills if anyone says you need one LOL.  On the serious side, painful though it was, it was necessary to find out what's causing my problems - I should have the results by Wednesday.  Now on to what I wanted to mention....

I joined a PostCard Exchange.  For those that don't know what this is, you sign up at the link below, and then you can exchange postcards with people from all over the world.  Today, I mail out five - the max I can have in circulation at any time.  They are going here in the US, Germany, Estonia, France, and The Netherlands.  I can hardly wait to see the postcards I get back.  I LOVE postcards.  They are mini works of art. 

Anyhow, just go to Postcrossing - Postcards Traveling the World and sign up.  It's that easy.  I have my five ready to go out in the mail today and can't wait to start receiving them!  Think of all the cool stamps, cancellation stamps, and handwriting, not to mention cool postcards, you could receive for just a $1 & change (most of my postcards cost me $1 at the local gift store). 

Postcards Exchange

Got to run and try to get some work done.  I have pictures from my shopping trip Saturday (I was feeling okay for a few hours so decided to finish up Christmas) & from an earlier auction that I want to share with you over the next few days.  Plus, my husband got a shelf up for my dolls collection (well, for some of them - an 8 foot shelf wasn't nearly long enough) but more are needed.  I'll have pics on that too.

Please bear with me as I fight through the pain caused by all my neck & back problems - I have good days and bad and I'll post when I can.  I have a LOT I want to share with all of you.  Minis, Dolls, and More.



  1. How much you think they gonna charge to send one them postcards to France? I bet it's like $125 or something. Hope you feeling better!

  2. Actually I was pleasantly surprised. Thought it would cost a mint, but postage for a postcard to the four overseas places was 98 cents apiece! At least the USPS hasn't screwed that cost up yet.

    Thanks for the well wishes too.

  3. Sorry to hear you had to have test run, hope your results are good or at least let your doctor know what to treat.

    The post card exchange sounds fun!

    Thanks for stopping by my Rubber Soul Giveaway!

  4. Hi Marilyn!

    Just checking in to see if you had heard back from your tests yet!

    Hope you are feeling better.


  5. Lulu thank you so much for checking on me!

    I'll hear something on Monday. Yeah, it sucks having to wait that long.


  6. Hmmm....nothing here about test results either. Those tests are just surreal. Everyone is continuing their life in the room around you and they just keep poking you and you just keep trying not to scream. I'm hoping they find an easy answer...your postcard exchange sounds like fun!
